Study Abroad Advisors & Ambassadors

UK Peer Advisor

Our UK Peer Advisor can help answer questions about studying abroad in the United Kingdom. 

Cynthia Wang
Cynthia Wang

Spring 2024 Drop-in Office Hours: Fridays 3:00-5:00pm, Schneider Reading Room

Hi! I'm Cynthia, and I'm a senior majoring in neuroscience and minoring in music. Last fall, I went abroad to Pembroke College at the University of Cambridge, and it was an unforgettable semester full of new experiences, memories, and friends. I learned so much about myself and the world around me, and I am beyond glad that I went. I am so excited to be this year's UK Peer Advisor and to provide support to anyone embarking on this confusing, self-reflective, and ultimately rewarding journey that is studying abroad.

For more info on study abroad programs in the UK, visit:

Study Abroad Ambassadors (2023-24)

The OIS Study Abroad Ambassadors are returned study abroad students who are passionate about helping other students navigate the study abroad process and have a postive experience abroad or away. 

Ambassador Profiles

Tekla Carlén
Tekla Carlén

Bonjour! I am a senior from the San Francisco Bay Area majoring in Medieval & Renaissance Studies and French. Apart from working for OIS, I am also involved in the Shakespeare Society and the Wellesley News. I spent the last academic year studying in Aix-en-Provence, France, through the Wellesley-in-Aix program. This year, I am looking forward to advising students on study abroad options and encouraging them throughout the application process; I am especially excited about promoting Wellesley-in-Aix to all those interested in improving their French, including those who are recent French learners like myself.

Nico Jo
Nico Jo

Hi! My name is Nico, and I’m a junior majoring in Economics and Music. I studied abroad in Paris, France during my sophomore spring through the Wellesley-in-Paris program. I was also a Paulson International Study Fellow during this time. I am looking forward to providing support to students before and during their study abroad experience.

Sinead Nardi-White
Sinead Nardi-White

In my time at Wellesley, I have had the opportunity to study abroad in Greece, Italy, and Ireland. In each place, I took extremely interesting classes, learned about other languages and cultures, met and made new Wellesley and international friends, traveled the world, and grew immensely as an individual. I want to help empower Wellesley students with the knowledge that similarly fulfilling study abroad opportunities exist for everyone, no matter your personal and academic background or prior travel experience. I hope to be a resource for anyone with questions or apprehensions about the study abroad process from start to finish.

Emma Sindoni Bonilla
Emma Sindoni Bonilla

After living in Córdoba, Spain through PRESHCO, I gained a global perspective like no other. Not only was I surrounded by those with a different culture than me, but a completely different rhythm of life. I have become a better person and student after my experience in Spain and I hope to inspire those to go out and find that there is more to Wellesley than the campus we call home.

Amy Xuan
Amy Xuan

I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. I am a Neuroscience major and English minor from Ohio. My hobbies include reading short stories, buying tabasco, and inventing new ways to braid my hair. Studying abroad is one of the only experiences I would recommend to every student. Still, the journey can be complicated (emotionally, physically, logistically) at any point and I became an ambassador to help future travelers through it!