Lauren Savit

Visiting Lecturer in Women's and Gender Studies

Feminist media studies, critical race studies, feminist pedagogy  

Situated at the crossroads of media studies and women’s and gender studies, my research examines media as a tool for communicating norms about social identity and systems of power. Using discourse and textual analyses as my main research methods, I investigate how media texts are produced, interpreted, mobilized, contested, or taken up as tools of resistance. Focusing primally on dynamic categories such as gender, race, and sexuality, my research considers the co-constitutive relationship between media (including the production, circulation, and reception of texts) and normative and transgressive conceptions of social identity.

My scholarship has been published in Transformative Works and Cultures, an interdisciplinary fan studies journal, and in the edited collection Ryan Murphy’s Queer America (Routledge, 2022).

The goal of my teaching is to help students cultivate and contextualize their experiential knowledge about gender, race, sexuality, and other aspects of social identity. At Wellesley I teach feminist media studies courses, such as Gender, Race, and Media and LGBTQ+ Lives on Screen, as well as courses grounded in intersectionality and feminist theory, including Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies and Contemporary Feminist Movements.