Kathleen Brogan

Associate Professor of English

Teaches modernism, contemporary American fiction and poetry, ethnic literature, and urban literature and photography.

I teach courses in modernism, contemporary American fiction and poetry, ethnic literature, and urban literature and photography. My book, Cultural Haunting: Ghosts and Ethnicity in Recent American Fiction, examines how ghost stories in ethnic literature reflect the way shared group histories are recalled and reshaped. I am now working on a study of how cities are depicted in American literature and art.


  • B.A., Queens College
  • M.A., Yale University
  • M.Phil., Yale University
  • Ph.D., Yale University

Current and upcoming courses

  • Sensual and emotionally powerful, American poetry of the body explores living and knowing through physical, bodily experience. From Walt Whitman’s “I Sing the Body Electric” to contemporary spoken word performances, body poems move us through the strangeness and familiarity of embodiment, voicing the manifold discomforts, pains, pleasures, and ecstasies of living in and through bodies. We’ll trace a number of recurring themes: the relationship between body and mind, female embodiment, queer bodies, race, sexuality, disability, illness and medicine, mortality, appetite, and the poem itself as a body.  Poets include Whitman, Frank O’Hara, Rita Dove, Thom Gunn, Claudia Rankine, Ocean Vuong, Tyehimba Jess, Jos Charles, Max Ritvo, Laurie Lambeth, Chen Chen, and Danez Smith. Fulfills the Diversity of Literatures in English requirement. (AMST 248 and ENG 248 are cross-listed courses.)