Erez DeGolan

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Jewish Studies


A scholar of Ancient Judaism and Religion

I specialize in classical rabbinic literature in Hebrew and Aramaic from between the first and seventh centuries (CE). My research combines textual, historical, and critical methods in studies of ancient and late-ancient rabbinic culture. My work has appeared or will appear in the Ancient Jew Review, the Journal of Textual Reasoning, and the Journal of the American Academy of Religion.

At Wellesley, I am working on a book project, titled Rejoicing Rabbis: Emotions and Power in Roman Palestine, which explores the nexus between joy and political culture in rabbinic texts from Roman Palestine. I am also developing a new research project on the theme of ritual attentiveness in premodern Jewish prayer.

My courses offer students a panoramic view of Judaism and invite them to contemplate dynamics of continuity and change in religious traditions.

I served on the Program Committee of the Association Association for Jewish Studies, was the Book Review Editor for the Journal of Religion and Violence, and co-organized the 2020 Ancient Judaism Regional Seminar, which was awarded the Cross-Institutional Cooperative Grant by the American Academy for Jewish Research. I was a Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellow.

I overstate my guitar skills and downplay my juggling talent.