Elisabeth Buzay

Visiting Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies

Specialist of French medieval and contemporary literature. Interested in multimodal communication, visual media, and women’s writing.

A specialist of French medieval literature and contemporary French fantasy works, I also have additional training in digital humanities. My interdisciplinary research interests include the combination of textual analysis with other methodologies (media studies, material cultural studies, memory studies…), multimodal communication, the intersection of text and image, medievalism, and visual media such as bandes dessinées, video games, and film. My current book project explores the ties between medieval romances and contemporary fantasy novels to focus on how those who are not dominant members of their societies—often women—communicate, how objects can be used to communicate as forms of media, and how the genre of fantasy has developed over time. I am also working on topics relating autobiography to authorship and how the personal and critical can be intertwined, particularly in women’s writing.

As a teacher, I am committed to helping students communicate successfully, find connections to different cultures and time periods, and develop intercultural competence. I currently teach French language courses ranging from beginning to intermediate levels, although in the past, I have also taught, literature, culture, media, film, and writing courses. In all my classes I prioritize teaching students to communicate clearly and effectively and to hone their critical analysis skills by making connections between their own experiences and other cultures.

I am also interested in integrating new technologies, such as digital storytelling and multimedia digital humanities resources, into my research and teaching and theorizing about them.