Diego Arciniegas

Senior Lecturer in Theatre Studies

Focused on suiting the word to the action and the action to the word.

I'm fascinated by how emotion enhances the creation of knowledge. I am particularly interested in the exploring the role that instinct and feeling play in informing decision making My work with students is dedicated to integrating personal passion with intellectual understanding, to encouraging thought corroborated by, but not overcome with, feeling, and to the free expression of feeling informed, but not constrained, by thought.

I am artistic director of The Publick Theatre in Boston. I recently directed Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Edward Albee, and Humble Boy by Charlotte Jones, for the Publick Theatre.

I also recently directed From Orchid’s to Octopii: An Evolutionary Love Story , by Wellesley's Melinda Lopez. This new play, commissioned by the National Institute of Health, and produced by Underground Railway Theatre, celebrates the bicentennial of the publication of Charles Darwin’s The Origin of Species . Orchids opened at the Bethesda Theatre, Maryland, in then played at the Central Square Theatre in Cambridge.

I am also an actor, and recently played Voltaire in Karen Zacharías’ play Legacy of Light at the Lyric Stage Company of Boston.


  • B.A., Williams College