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    Wellesley students are flocking to the computer science department, drawn in by the friendly faculty, innovative labs, and the promise of making a difference in the world through tech.

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    As a result of China’s one-child policy, Maya Ludtke ’19 grew up in Cambridge, Mass., rather than Xiaxi, China. She recently went in search of missing pieces of her Chinese identity and reconnected with girls from her “hometown.”

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    At every turn, the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign is setting itself apart from those of years past in huge ways. While the country is getting amped up for November, Wellesley is taking stock of some of this election’s most significant issues and trends. Six of the College’s own are here to help guide you through this unpredictable election.

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    The female connections sought by generations of women are a natural outcome of a Wellesley education.

  • 'We Are First'


    Until recently, few people at Wellesley talked about the challenges first-generation college students face—or about how those women enrich the community. That is changing, as students, faculty, and staff proudly say, ‘I am first-gen.’

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    The lives of six alumnae demonstrate the depth and breadth of the Wellesley Effect—the way four years at the College transforms students, and through their lives after graduation, helps to transform the world.

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    The room is hushed, the atmosphere focused and intense, as students in a botanical illustration class at the Margaret Ferguson Greenhouses zero in on their project for the morning—accurately rendering a narcissus bulb.

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    T he spring of her sophomore year, buzzing with that special kind of excitement that comes from having wielded power tools, Elena Shaw ’15 hurried to Shakespeare House with her creation—a bottle opener. “I was...

  • Dear Me,


    If we only knew then what we know now…. As the class of ’15 launched out into the world, we asked eight wise women, all Wellesley alumnae over 50, to write a letter to themselves as they graduated from the College. What advice would they share for the long road ahead?