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    When most people learn about bacteria or fungi around them, they grab the cleaning spray. Anne Madden ’06 grabs a petri dish and hopes to discover a new species, a novel antibiotic, or even a way to brew a better beer.

  • Celebrate!


    The elation that comes along with scoring a goal is not reserved for the player who puts it in the back of the net. Just ask Arielle Mitropoulos ’19 (#11), who literally leaped for joy when her teammate Sophia Albanese ’21 (#24) scored her first collegiate goal in a game earlier this season.

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    Wellesley’s highest honor was presented to Camara Jones ’76, a physician who has been a champion of racial and economic health equity, and quantum astrophysicist Nergis Mavalvala ’90, who is part of the team that detected gravitational waves.

  • Wellesley Runs


    Part of a wave of women who ran for public office in 2018, Liz Miranda ’02 and Lisa Shin ’91 never dreamed they’d enter the political arena. But both felt called to fight for what they think is right.

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    In July, the College’s comprehensive campaign dedicated to the Wellesley Effect surpassed its ambitious $500 million goal, the largest ever set by a women’s college, concluding a full year ahead of schedule. Meet five members of the community who are already benefiting from that success.

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    Wellesley alumnae who came of age in 1968 and the years surrounding it remember it as a time when everything was questioned—government, institutions, and their own beliefs and values.

  • Home School


    On a recent morning, I walked into my living room at 9 a.m. as I always do, ready to start the day, only to find that my three children had already started “school” without me. My oldest child, a 9-year-old boy, had dragged a small chalkboard easel up from the basement and was demonstrating simple addition and multiplication problems to his 6-year-old brother and 4-year-old sister, who sat on little chairs behind a child-sized table. I sat down on the couch, dumbfounded.

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    The alumnae Facebook group Wellesley Wags and Whiskers provides a window into the personal lives of alums, their pets, and the mysterious and life-affirming bond that can exist between humans and animals.

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    How can Wellesley support the excellence of its programs and faculty, maintain need-blind admissions, and build for the future, all while eliminating an operating deficit and addressing deferred maintenance of buildings?