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    Schwarzman Scholar Diana Lam ’20 said she had no idea that Wellesley would change her life the way that it has. She hopes “to make a difference in the world and implement Wellesley’s motto”—“Non Ministrari sed Ministrare.”

  • Prof. Ismar Volic on the Oscars


    Mathematics professor Ismar Volic examines the flaws inherent in the Oscars’ voting system —and what that shows us about our political elections.

  • Macy Lipkin NPR top 10 podcast


    Macy Lipkin ’23 is a finalist in NPR’s 10 best college podcasts in America. The podcast follows a 2023 vote that is challenging oil exploration in the Amazon—and also threatening local people's jobs.

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    Two professors are using an interdisciplinary lens of population genetics and physiology to study the wet meadows on campus where phragmites—a common reed—have become dominant.

  • Pashtana Durrani on the Cut


    Activist Pashtana Durrani, scholar-in-residence at the Wellesley Centers for Women, runs underground schools in defiance of the Taliban’s education ban.

  • Prof. Phillip Levine on class-based affirmative action


    Implementing class-conscious admissions could protect racial diversity on college campuses, says Prof. Phillip Levine. But, unfortunately, this is easier said than done.

  • Bay State Banner reviews Lorraine O’Grady at the Davis


    The Bay State Banner reviews “an absorbing survey of Lorraine O’Grady’s works in performance, installation, photography, writing, collage and video,” on view at the Davis Museum.