• 10.09.2023 Kerr Gender pay gap Insider


    That's a gap that can follow women throughout their careers even when their kids get older, Goldin and economists Sari Pekkala Kerr and Claudia Olivetti found. Women do make up some ground once their kids are out of high school; they clock in for more hours, and their "motherhood penalty" is chipped away at. But that doesn't mean they're commensurate with their male counterparts. "By the time that women reach their mid fifties — I'm thinking especially about the college-educated women — the gains that men and fathers in particular have made in the labor market are so large that no matter what you do at that point, you can't make that ground up," Kerr, senior research scientist at Wellesley Centers for Women and lecturer in economics, who co-authored that paper with Goldin on the "parental gender gap," told Insider. Mothers can make up ground relative to non-mothers, Kerr said, but "the gender gap is just way too large between parents."

  • 10.05.2023 Fisher John Singer Sargent Boston Globe


    Just last year, Paul Fisher, a professor of American Studies, published “The Grand Affair: John Singer Sargent in His World,” speculating on his private life and motivations. Fisher works hard to pull the loose ends of Sargent’s private life together. He posits that Sargent’s hidden agendas were to lionize the nascent female empowerment of the Belle Époque, and the “ever-more-complex modernity” and cultural change of the late 18th century.

  • 09.30.2023 Rivera-Rideau Bad Bunny ABC 7


    The course is called “Bad Bunny and Resistance in Puerto Rico,” which highlights the superstar’s impact on politics, music and society as a whole. Loyola Marymount University has also launched the Bad Bunny Syllabus with Petra Rivera-Rideau, an associate professor of American Studies. It's described as an open educational project that provides resources for other professors and Bad Bunny fans from around the world.

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  • 09.26.2023 Wellesley Civic Preparedness Forbes


    Wellesley, along with a number of colleges and universities across the country, is participating in a civic preparedness initiative to promote free speech and civil discourse. 

  • 09.21.2023 PAJ Globe Summit Boston.com


    Wellesley too, is reminding students and community members alike of the practical value its liberal arts degrees confer. “We’re an important economic engine for this state,” President Paula Johnson said — both as a job creator for thousands of faculty and staff, and in terms of the 70% of graduates who choose to live and work in Massachusetts after they leave Wellesley.

  • 09.23.2023 Heights of Guanapo Cudjoe TrinidadExpress


    After the tragic massacure in the Heights of Guanaop in Trinidad and Tobago, the UNC has acknowledge the event as "a systamatic breakdown of all institutions". In his article, Africana studies professor Selwyn Cudjoe asks, "what does the UNC offer in terms of solving the problem?"

  • 09.20.2023 PAJ Globe Summit Boston Globe


    The recent Supreme Court decision that effectively banned the consideration of race in college admissions is top of mind for highly selective colleges, including Wellesley. President Paula Johnson said that she is concerned the decision will discourage minority and low-income students from applying to competitive schools. She said she wants to make “a very clear statement that places like ours are places where students of all underrepresented backgrounds are welcome.”