• 12.04.2023 Yee Tibetans in Exile TIME


    A new book by Amy Yee (Wellesley '96) follows individuals who have fled Tibet, which has been controlled by China since 1951.

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    This year’s recipients of Wellesley’s highest honor are Vanessa Ruiz ’72, Faith Vilas ’73, and Cecilia Conrad ’76.

  • 11.08.2023 Walsh Memoir ABC News


    Being the president of anything takes vision, ambition, and leadership. Being the president of a leading academic institution takes courage (and a whole lot of smarts). Leading Wellesley College for almost 20 years while it ushered in the new millennium took President Emerita Dr. Diana Chapman Walsh. 

  • Categories

    They run biotech and health care companies, universities and colleges, financial institutions, law firms, transportation and construction powerhouses, and more — they’re the women power players of the Bay State. Featured on this list is Wellesley College President Paula A. Johnson.

  • 11.09.2023 Brubaker Food TIME


    When gathering to share a meal with loved ones, food is rarely the most important part of the ritual. “It can be a space or time to slow down and listen to one another, to connect, to share about your day or about what's going on in your life,” says Anne Brubaker, a senior lecturer in the writing program who teaches a course about food and culture. “It really is like a kind of social glue. Whether it's family, friends, or people that you know less well, having a meal together is an important way that we connect.”  

  • 11.06.2023 Turner Energy Transition NYT


    "Climate action can no longer be about phasing out fossil fuels alone. It must also be about phasing in a new set of extractive industries needed to enable a clean-energy transition," writes environmental studies professor James Turner in his opinon article on the global energy transition. 

  • A Big Idea


    We asked faculty and researchers at the College how they’d solve a problem related to their field, if time and money weren’t constraints.